Match result

Season 1, round 2
Team badge

gate: 16 000
2 TD score 1
cas score
Team badge
Pale Moon Pirates


profile Sir Spamalot Bounty (150000 gp) retired
The Spaminator retired
TD Scorers
profile 3 Wurrag Facestompa Bounty (20000 gp) dead
Foulers (no cas)
Sent off

profile Sir Spamalot Bounty (150000 gp) retired
The Spaminator retired
Badly Hurt'ers
profile Ruggnash Steel-Wall

profile Erold Spam retired
Completions by
profile Rukhag One-Eye 21 dead
TTM Completions by
Interceptions by
Deflections by

profile Erold Spam retired
MVP awards to
profile Chuck Cave-smasha
Sustained Injuries
-1 AV
victim healed by apoth
Result added February 24th, 2010

Match notes
As the Norsemen finally arrived to the Pale Moon Arena a heat wave hit the region making the temperature on the pitch almost unbearable.

The crowd got their share of violence as both teams spent more energy to hit each other in the face than getting the ball. As can be expected most of the fans where Pale Moon Pirates' fans, being at their home arena after all.

After the goblin referee fumbled the coin toss in a highly suspicious manner, SPAM! started by kicking the ball deep into the Pirates half.
A lot of fighting erupted all along the line of skirmish. While Star player Boomer Eziasson kept lobbing bombs at Chuck Cave-smasha, this kept the him off his feet most of first half but doing no noticeable damage to the big Troll.
30 Müs-Lee Stinkyfartz was attacked by two Norsemen, sending him off the field with what looked like a serious concussion, but the Pirates painboy managed to patch him up good enough to play the second half.
While the slug fest continued at the middle of the field, two Norsemen managed to get past the fighting and got the ball from Rukhag One-Eye 21. The Orcs in the middle of the fray seemed not to notice this and kept on fighting at the line of skirmish, while The Spaminator went for an easy TD at the end of first half.

Due to the sweltering heat several players collapsed from heat exhaustion during the first half, two black Orcs in their heavy armours, Chuck Cave-smasha the Troll, one of the Ulfverners and the Norse Journeyman did not manage to get back on the pitch in time for kickoff.

Second half offered even more violence, with lots of blows handed out by both teams.
SPAM! managed to cage down the field for a second TD by Sir Spamalot.
After the kickoff Rukhag One-Eye 21 managed to get hold of the ball and quickly passed it to 2 Zagaz 'eadbutt. The Pirates managed to open a hole in the Norsemen's defence sending two Blitzers downfield. SPAM! managed to tackle the ball-carrier knocking the ball from his grasp. 3 Wurrag Facestompa showed once again why he is the star of the team by doing a spectacular manoeuvre hitting one of his attackers in the face, then dodging away scooping up the ball and run in a TD with just seconds to go on the second half.

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