Match result

Season 5, Round 3
Team badge
The World Edge Wreckers

gate: 27 000
0 TD score 3
cas score
Team badge
Ferocious Furries

TD Scorers
Jaroslaw dead
Foulers (no cas)
Sent off

"Bang" Flinteye
"The Boss"
Badly Hurt'ers

"The Boss"

Fjodor dead

Danny "Dynamite"
"Sledgehammer" McBride

"Blast" Grimbrew
Bjorn "The Bulldozer"
Completions by
Jaroslaw dead
TTM Completions by
Interceptions by
Deflections by

Rurik "Brute Force"
MVP awards to
Sustained Injuries
Miss Next Game

"Pickaxe" Pearsson
Niggling Injury
Fjodor dead
Istvan dead
Result added July 1st, 2011

Match notes
A dwarf once said "We are very dangerous over short distances!" and he was right! If nothing else, yesterday's game was a testament to exactly that.
The dwarfs hammered away at the norse with all they had and got some serious hurting done but, every time they tried to go that extra yard they simply couldn't keep their footing.
With somwhere around five falls when going for it with the worst of timing, the dwarfs just coudn't score or prevent the norse from doing so.
At least they managed to vent their frustration in a creative way and gave the norse a mighty good kicking for their efforts.

The dwarfs had 150k worth of inducements which they spent on a wandering apothecary and a miscellaneous mayhem card

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